Over the past decade, I've led teams to design digital products for DIRECTV, Macy's, Verizon, and Automation Anywhere.
As a leader, setting up the conditions for the team's success and supporting their individual growth have been the most gratifying elements of my work.
Driven by my passion to make the workplace more human, I apply my design skills to leadership challenges, focusing on how process and culture support teams to do their best work.
My approach is to:
Lead with vulnerability and a growth mindset
Unlock the power of the collective team through collaboration and shared responsibility
Care for the person, not just the employee, and get to know them as an individual
Support other’s growth by giving away Legos
My business Human-Centered Leader grew out of my passion to support others’ growth and to make the workplace more human.
For more information about my coaching and leadership training, visit hcleader.co.